Current IPP Initiatives and Events

WellBeing Retreat

The WellBeing Seminar is offered by La Clinica, an Oregon based group of nonprofit community health centers offering affordable, quality healthcare services at 25 locations. WellBeing Seminar is a four-day profound and practical learning experience—a complete immersion in an environment that supports learning by doing. Through trauma informed activities and lectures that are grounded in psychological theory, this seminar teaches people to understand that they have control over their reactions and how to act out of conscious choice. In a safe and guided learning environment, participants try on new behaviors and see what happens. They learn the skills to continue to practice any behaviors they find more effective once they leave the seminar.

In April 2023, we offered our first WellBeing workshop to 24 formerly incarcerated women. Every one of the participants, without exception, reported having a unique, powerful, and transformational experience. We are seeking ways to sustain and support the success of this program by:

  • Offering the same 24 women an opportunity to take the advanced, Cross Over, 5-day workshop

  • Supporting 6-7 participants in a training program to become facilitators of this work.

  • Offering the Well Being workshop 1-2 times per year for formerly incarcerated women and eventually bring this work into the NY state correctional facilities for women, men, and juveniles.

The ripple effect of this work has infinite possibilities and impact. As a group we remembered how our own WellBeing, self-awareness and personal power affect our relationship with ourselves, our families, and how we want to be in service and contribute to our community.

It is our goal to make this workshop accessible to individuals who are impacted by the criminal justice system and to address the unique and profound trauma that is created by the experience of incarceration.

To sponsor a participant for this year’s seminar, click here.

Staff and volunteers in the serving line-up.

Thanksgiving Meal

On Monday, Nov. 21st, IPP staff, volunteers, and guests, in collaboration with Hour Children, provided an amazing Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings to the women incarcerated at Taconic Correctional Facility, as well as the staff on duty that day. (Photographs by Angela James Photography)

All Souls Day Service

IPP Hosts an annual All Souls Day Interfaith Prayer Service at the Taconic Correctional Facility Cemetery. This service honors the souls buried there, who for many years were only identified by a number, not a name. Interfaith leaders, community members, and DOCCS personnel gather to remember and to join in a shared commitment to the women incarcerated at Bedford Hills and Taconic Correctional Facilities.

Care Packages

We want the incarcerated to know that they are not alone - that people are thinking of them and they are worthy of care and love. Many incarcerated women lack family support, and may never receive mail or packages; some cannot afford items from the commissary. IPP works with the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and the Department of Corrections to design care package elements. With the help of community members, primarily from various houses of worship, we assemble one for every woman at the Bedford and Taconic prisons. This creates a sense of care, belonging, and equality for all of the women. 

This year, our first delivery arrived just in time for Easter and Mother’s Day, with our second delivery arriving just before the winter holidays. Item included socks, chapstick, hand lotion, chocolate and instant coffee/hot chocolate. Each package regardless of theme includes a personalized note with a blessing, prayer or well-wish for the recipient. 

We are continuously looking for contributions and donations to assemble care packages. If you are interested in donating items, please contact us. And if you would like to make a financial donation to help us purchase the items that will be included in the next care package, you can do that by donating here.

Release Bags

PRAC became aware that many women, upon release from prison, were going to homeless shelters with few, if any, necessities for their daily hygiene. Seeing an opportunity to both engage community members and meet a clear need, PRAC initiated a program to source donations for “Release Bags.”

As a PRAC partner, IPP has taken on the Release Bag program as one of its major efforts. We regularly work with local houses of faith to collect essential items like shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and other personal care items. We then hold “assembly days” when community members can gather to create the bags, including a loving note of encouragement for the recipients.

We want to let the women know that they are a part of the community, that their sacred worth is recognized, and that they are seen and supported.

If you are interested in contributing to the Release Bags program, we welcome any donations. You can donate here or if you’re interested in making a tangible contribution to the project (bag inclusions, bags, etc.), please contact us.

Children’s Activity Bags

When children are visiting their incarcerated mothers, the interactions can be understandably strained or awkward. Feeling that having an enjoyable activity to do together could ease the tension in these visits, Hour Children approached IPP about creating Activity Bags. The bags include items such as playing cards, puzzle books, crayons and games. They provide a means of positive engagement to facilitate bonding and make the visits a positive experience for all.

Similarly to our Release Bag program, we engage community members to create these bags. IPP has often worked with local youth groups at various houses of faith to put the Activity Bags together. By engaging children in this act of love toward other children, we hope to instill a life-long sense of compassion and generosity of spirit.

If you’re interested in donating specific supplies for Children’s Activity Bags, please contact us. And if you prefer to make a financial donation, you can donate here.

Soap & Mask Drive

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been instructed to wash our hands diligently and frequently; this applies to incarcerated women, too. The soap available to these women was intended to be a powerful cleanser, and thus was less moisturizing. As we all found, washing our hands so much more frequently often left our skin uncomfortably dry. The Town of Bedford’s Prison Advisory Council (PRAC) reached out to the local Superintendents, offering to obtain donated moisturizing soap for the women, as well as face masks. Having become an on-going need, IPP now works in conjunction with PRAC to regularly source and deliver approved soap that is gentler on the hands and the heart.

If you’re interested in donating specific supplies for the soap and mask drive, please contact us. And if you prefer to make a financial donation, you can donate here.

Correction Staff Recognition Day

IPP is deeply committed to affirming the value and dignity of everyone involved in Corrections Systems. In order to improve the lived experience of incarcerated people, supporting those responsible for their care and supervision can have a great impact. When the Correction Officers and Staff feel acknowledged, supported, and appreciated, they are better equipped to contribute to rehabilitation. Accordingly, IPP is working to develop an Annual Correction Staff Recognition Day.

Our first such event was held on May 4th, 2022. In cooperation with the Superintendents of Bedford Hills and Taconic facilities, NYS DOCCS, the New York State Correction Officers Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOBPA), Sisters of St. Joseph, and Hour Children, IPP invited COs and staff members to a luncheon in celebration of their hard work. Especially during the Covid pandemic, COs and staff have done amazing work to keep these facilities safe and running smoothly. We honor their unique role in supporting the opportunity for rehabilitation.

Stationary Drive

IPP worked with a local stationary store to provide cards and stationery for the incarcerated to use during the holidays, allowing them a low-cost way to reach out to their friends and family. 

IPP continues to source greeting cards for all occasions from local donors, usually from area faith communities, on a regular basis in order to facilitate communication and connection between the incarcerated and their loved ones.

If you’re interested in donating items for the stationary drive, please contact us. And if you prefer to make a financial donation, you can donate here.

IPP Internationally

Dr. Hans Hallundbaek, after retiring as IPP’s Director, has gone on to promote his vision for “Adopt a Prison” programs internationally. To date, pilot programs have been established in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Pakistan. You can read more about IPP’s efforts internationally in the following articles:

Adopt a Prison Expands Internationally

9th International Cure Conference Explores Global Incarceration