What We Do

IPP works to improve the lived experience and community connection of presently and formerly incarcerated individuals, as well as those working in the correction system, for their vital role as the first line of connection for incarcerated individuals. We help in four different ways.

1) We increase awareness of the challenges and experiences of those incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and those working in the correction system.

It is our goal to increase acceptance, equality and connection for those incarcerated, and the first step in that is helping those that operate outside the correction system to better understand the lived experiences of those inside the system. Because of the realities of the physical barriers that are intrinsic to the prison system, in order to restore and maintain the humanity of everyone involved, IPP is working to restore emotional, spiritual and connection for those that are incarcerated and those supporting the incarcerated community. We want everyone in the community to feel less “out of sight, out of mind” and more seen, heard, valued and accepted.

IPP builds connections between faith communities and those working to benefit the lived experiences of the incarcerated so that action can be taken and improvements can be fostered. This may mean contacting representatives and politicians or facilitating introductions to relevant partners, etc.

We facilitate Listen & Learns for communities (houses of worship, social clubs, gyms, book clubs, etc.), which is an introduction into the work of prison reform, prison ministry and community engagement.. We also address what it could look like to help. 

If you’re interested in hosting a Listen & Learn, please contact us.

2) We find and create ways to help those that are incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and working in the correct system to feel more seen, valued and connected.

We provide opportunities for individuals, faith leaders and communities to support the needs of the presently and formerly incarcerated as well as those that surround them. We gather information of initiatives run by other organizations to provide those looking to impact change. And, where we see opportunities for other improvement measures of the lived experience of those we support, we develop our own initiatives. Our initiatives are based on needs identified by the Department of Corrections and those incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and working in the correction system. We see all initiatives as equally valuable, regardless of the organization, and we encourage you to find initiatives that you feel most connected to. 

3) We help organizations and communities to make more impact.

We work both as a liaison and consultant for faith leaders and communities which may be unsure where to start, but want to get involved in prison reform or prison ministry to help enact change. We have institutional knowledge, relationships and partnerships that allow us to understand the landscape and where help is needed. We connect faith leaders and communities with existing initiatives they can support, or help them to develop their own.

If you are a faith leader or community looking to impact change in the New York State area, please contact us to discuss how we can help you.

4) We adopt and support prisons and help others to adopt and support prisons.

If you are interested in enacting change in your own region or state, we would love to help other areas to Adopt-a-Prison. We are happy to share our experience, knowledge and key learnings with others so that more correctional systems, and communities, may have improved lived experiences and community connection for the presently and formerly incarcerated and those working in the corrections system in their region. Please contact us to discuss.