Dr. Abdus-Salaam Musa
Advisory Council

Dr. Abdus-Salaam Musa, Visiting Professor of African American Muslim Studies, received his D.Min. and M.P.C., from the Graduate Theological Foundation. Dr Musa’s undergraduate degree was earned from Metropolitan College of New York City and he holds the Graduate Certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy from Hartford Seminary. He was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, grew up in the village of Harlem, New York, and is a United States Air Force Veteran. Dr. Musa is a Diplomate with the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP), a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain and Board Certified Pastoral Counselor. Chaplain Musa is the current President and co-founder of the South East Queens Muslim Collective and the former director of the United Muslim Movement Against Homelessness (UMMAH), a former program of ICNA Relief. He is the co-founder of the first Muslim women’s shelter in Queens, formerly known as the Muslim Women’s Help Network and currently known as ICNA Relief Transitional Housing. Chaplain Musa has been a passionate activist in the secular and Islamic community for over 45 years. For over 25 years Dr. Musa has been engaged in working with interfaith communities as well as working to address the social ills that affect communities.


Deb Rigano


Mohammed (Mehmet Ozalp)